


When you consider that University of Idaho does not offer a bachelor’s degree in public health, the number of Vandals making a difference in the public health sector is pretty impressive.

许多伊利诺伊大学公共卫生专业的毕业生在大学毕业后获得了公共卫生专业的学位 运动、体育和健康科学 在 教育、健康与人文科学学院(CEHHS) 和它的 运动科学系. 在这里,学生们第一次见到临床副教授 海伦布朗她专门从事社区健康教育和促进工作. After taking classes from Brown, their 生活s, 和ir career paths, are often affected.

“如果你不是一个快乐健康的人,你就不是一个快乐健康的员工. 有了这些程序, we see how much of a difference we make in people’s 生活s and we get to take that feeling home with us. 我们为什么不这么做呢?”

——AJ砾石, St. 卢克医疗中心

While Brown leads students through the intricacies of public health in classes like 健康 Promotion, 关键健康问题和社区健康-理论, 制度及惯例, she also inspires them to think about the public health model to make any changes – big or small – that will benefit their communities.

“公共卫生工作具有乘数效应,可以教会数百人, 成千上万甚至上百万的人在同一时间,布朗说. “Students get excited about working in public health because they are passionate and committed to helping communities thrive by creating conditions that help everyone.”


Clinical Associate Professor, Public 健康 and Nutrition, Exercise, Sport, and 健康 Sciences


像许多在CEHHS开始上课的学生一样, 16岁的Ashtin Glodt并没有把目光放在公共卫生部门的职业生涯上.


最初想成为一名物理治疗师, she realized after taking Brown’s classes that what she was really interested in – helping people – could be done on a larger, 通过公共卫生更有影响力的阶段.

我在爱达荷州北部的一个小镇长大, Glodt remembered seeing how tobacco addiction 和 lack of resources available at the time impacted the health of the entire community. She decided that she would educate and prepare herself to help those people quit smoking when they were ready.

在我大学实习成为同伴健康教育者之后 酒精 & 其他药物计划 和 健康教育 项目,她开始支持公共卫生项目作为实习生在 爱达荷州公共卫生- 2区 我在刘易斯顿的办公室. 毕业后,她曾担任健康项目专家 母婴及幼儿家访计划爱达荷州卫生和福利部.

Glodt现在管理着 项目筛选美国国际健康与福利部的戒烟和预防项目. 该项目与社区合作, 医疗服务提供者, 联盟, and local public health entities statewide to promote and encourage smoke-free policies and regulations through education, 市场营销, 干预措施和其他资源.

“成长, 我亲眼目睹了成瘾带来的耻辱,以及它如何影响每个人的健康,”她说。. “通过项目过滤器”, my team and I work with organizations that are passionate about creating an environment where Idahoans can work, 生活, 远离尼古丁上瘾.”

Ashtin Glodt.


我们经常可以看到AJ砾石 ' 16在博伊西的路边捡垃圾. 虽然这不是他的官方职责, he enjoys rolling up his sleeves and working with other volunteers as program coordinator for St. 卢克医疗中心.

砾石创建的项目的例子包括St. 卢克的校园, 员工在哪里可以买到新鲜的水果和蔬菜, 和垃圾收集的倡议,发生在圣. 卢克在博伊西. 他还与现有的项目合作,比如 全球花园 博伊西为移民创造了农业机会.


当沙砾刚来伊利诺伊大学的时候, the former lacrosse player set his sights on becoming an athletic trainer – until his world view got turned around after attending Brown’s 尼加拉瓜全球卫生、扫盲和社区发展海外学习.

在目睹了如此多的贫困之后, 大量人口周围的不卫生条件和浪费, 他的关注点改变了.

“这完全是一种文化冲击,”格拉弗说. “它真的引起了我对环境健康的共鸣. 你会情不自禁地向住在那里的人敞开心扉.”

通过为圣. Luke的员工回馈社会,帮助社区中的人们, 砾石明白这对每个人都有好处.

“如果你不是一个快乐健康的人,你就不是一个快乐健康的员工,”他说. “有了这些项目, we see how much of a difference we make in people's 生活s and we get to take that feeling home with us. 我们为什么不这么做呢?”



22岁的艾米莉亚·卡里略(伊米莉亚Carrillo)在贫困中长大, 青少年怀孕和主要讲西班牙语的移民劳工. 在伊利诺伊大学, she studied those problems in-depth in Brown’s Critical 健康 Issues and Comparative 健康 Systems classes. 毕业后,她回到家乡帮助他们.

卡里略是第一代大学毕业生. She grew up with a single mom and six siblings and felt driven to find a way to give back to a community that needed help.

It was in Brown’s classes that she realized Power County’s largest problem – lack of education about the public healthcare system, 尤其是处于危险中的移民农场工人群体.

“我理解农场和农业工人面临的障碍,”她说. “其中80%的人无法获得医疗保健, mainly because they don’t speak or understand English 和y don’t underst和ir rights.”

毕业后,卡里略开始在 波卡特罗免费诊所, 哪家医院提供免费医疗和牙科服务, 以及行为和心理健康服务, 给那些没有保险的人. She asks patients what they need and ensures they underst和 services that are available to them.

自从卡里略开始在那里工作以来,诊所的病人负荷增加了两倍, 主要是因为卡里略和客户之间的关系.

“因为他们知道我是谁, people that I help will tell five or six more people to come see me because we’ve built that trust,”她说。. “这些人需要真正关心他们的人. 他们需要帮助,而我就是那个能提供帮助的人.”



A common theme in Brown’s public health classes is the concept of working upstream – preventing health issues before they start. 13岁的詹妮弗Liposchak比大多数人更能接受这个概念.

和沙砾一样,她来到莫斯科的目标是成为一名体育教练. But after taking several of Brown’s health courses and hearing about prevention 为 first time, 更多地了解它成了她的使命.

“I’d never really heard about prevention before or remembered hearing people talk about it,利波沙克说, who lost a family member to cancer that might have been prevented given their family history. “我对它了解得越多,我就知道这是一条正确的道路.”

目前担任卫生保健中心妇幼保健项目经理, Liposchak负责监督侧重于评估的项目, quality improvement and education in an effort to prevent complications before they start.

And despite challenges in her field due to the passing of recent state laws that impact women’s health rights 和 subsequent challenges women’s health care providers face, 她没有被吓倒.

“在不同的层次上工作, 从个人到系统和社区, 看到可能发生的变化是如此值得,”她说。. “我知道这是我一生中最重要的工作之一.”



Daniel Trautvetter ’13 became interested in public health because he saw there was a wide variety of ways to help – and many people who needed assistance.

The Coeur d’Alene 本地的 originally planned on becoming a physician’s assistant but switched gears after taking Brown’s Community 健康 Assessment, 策划与干预班.

“I remember hearing about preventing childhood fatalities in a foreign country just by building sidewalks – a really easy fix,他说. “那时我就知道我想在公共卫生领域做点什么.”

他做了三年健康项目专家 斯波坎地区卫生区, unknowingly diving into the deep end of learning about public health by joining as a disease investigator in July 2020.

“我立即投入到抗疫工作中,”他说. “这很有挑战性,但我很快就学会了很多.”

特劳维特最近加入 底盘的健康, 提供医疗服务的非营利性保健中心, 牙科, pharmacy and behavior health services in 华盛顿 (Spokane County and Clarkston) and Idaho (莫斯科 and Lewiston), 作为学校健康项目经理.

“这是一个具有挑战性的领域,倦怠率很高,”他说. “But it’s also very rewarding to become an expert in your field and to make a difference. 你可以填补别人无法填补的空白.”



劳伦·霍尔20岁,带着有朝一日去医学院的想法来到了我大学. 虽然她毕业时拿到了微生物学学位, 她很早就意识到,她对医疗保健临床方面的兴趣正在减弱.

“我真的很喜欢STEM学习, 微生物学和化学之类的, 但最终我想以一种不同的方式成为卫生部门的一部分,里奇兰人说, 华盛顿, 本地的.

A high school friend who attended U of I suggested Hall take some classes from Brown to see if that was what she might be looking for.

霍尔沉浸在社区健康课程中, 包括伦敦的比较卫生系统课程, 找到了自己的位置.

从伊利诺伊大学毕业后,霍尔就开始了旋风式的美国之旅.S.我的第一份工作是 美国志愿队 在2020年的COVID夏季在旧金山举行,最近一次是在纽约 纽约市卫生局 在疾病监测方面.


She plans to stay in the New York City area 为 foreseeable future but credits her time at U of I for helping her learn that the most important aspect of public health is interaction – hearing about problems directly from the people experiencing them.

她说:“我从伊利诺伊大学的公共卫生课程中学到了很多。. “拥有一个健康的社区真的是健康生活的关键.”


本文由 大卫•杰克逊,大学传播与市场营销.

照片 乔Pallen, 365滚球官网视觉制作,由Ashtin Glodt提供, AJ砾石, 伊米莉亚Carrillo, 詹妮弗Liposchak, 丹尼尔·特劳维特和劳伦·霍尔.



布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心


