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Stay safe during record heat with heat stress management and prevention tips





Harness the Power; Control the Hazards

明智地使用锂电池,保证U / I火灾安全



接下来的几个星期, it is likely that the U of I community will experience intermittent smoke outdoors due to wildfires in the region. This outdoor air contaminant can have negative effects on personal health and may trigger restrictions of outdoor activities.

当烟雾在地平线上, 空气质量指数(AQI)有助于识别潜在的健康风险, who may be impacted and at what point specific actions should be taken. 请记住,室内空气质量不属于空气质量指数的一部分, 但是野火产生的烟雾会影响室内空气质量.


The Air Quality Index is a measure of multiple contaminants in the air outside. It can be forecast over a few days and generally fluctuates based on temperature and wind direction. 空气质量指数是臭氧的组合, 一氧化碳, 二氧化氮, 二氧化硫和颗粒物, 像烟雾或烟雾. 因为该指数是空气污染物的综合, a spike in one or more specific contaminants can drive the overall index upward.

空气质量指数在0-500的范围内以单个数字表示. The scale provides different levels at which specific health hazards and symptoms can be expected. 在某些情况下,建议限制户外活动. 莫斯科的数据来自8号公路上的气象站. Additional information on these levels and the AQI scale can be found at the links below:


Understanding the AQI can help you decide what precautions to take while outdoors. 当烟雾是导致空气质量指数上升的已知污染物时, you can take measures to protect yourself from particulate matter or strenuous activity outdoors. Sensitive groups should take extra precautions and be mindful of how the change in outdoor air quality might impact personal health. 这些组包括:

  • 患有心脏或肺部疾病的人
  • 哮喘患者
  • 老年人
  • 年幼的孩子
  • 需要在户外进行艰苦工作、锻炼或训练的人


有关更多信息,请参见 野火烟雾常见问题解答 环境健康与安全网站的网页. 额外的资源可用于规划和预防 野火和室内空气质量 页面, 爱达荷DEQ空气质量指数, AirNow.政府. A comprehensive downloadable guide to the Air Quality Index is available from the EPA here: 空气质素指数-空气质素与健康指引.

环境健康与安全 wants you to safely enjoy your barbeque. 请提交 烧烤烧烤/授权 在你的活动之前尽早准备好. We can provide assistance in planning a safe location and meeting other university requirements listed below. 至少,我们需要知道校园里正在举行烧烤. We receive many calls regarding billowing smoke from concerned members of the Vandal community. 禁止在校园内篝火和露天焚烧.

The following requirements must be met for every barbecue event on campus:

  • 只有在距离建筑物至少10英尺的地方才允许使用烤架, 易燃的环境或其他容易点燃的燃料来源.
  • Grills must be placed on a hard, noncombustible surface (concrete, asphalt, etc.).
  • 烧烤架点燃后一定要有人参加.
  • 随时准备灭火器. EHS提供贷款.
  • A metal drip pan is required to be used under the barbecue to catch grease.
  • Grills are limited to propane, pellet or charcoal fuels, no deep frying allowed.
  • Ensure charcoal remains (for charcoal grills) are completely extinguished when finished.
  • Do not dispose of charcoal in university dumpsters, trash containers or on the landscaping.
  • Do not dispose of spent fuel canisters in dumpsters or other trash containers.
  • 不要把烤架带进建筑物,直到冷却.
  • 丙烷罐不允许进入大学建筑.
  • 打火液必须作为易燃液体妥善储存.

Outdoor grilling on campus is restricted to university-affiliated departments and recognized student groups. 个人和未经授权的团体不得在校园内进行烧烤, 除了在橄榄球比赛期间在指定停车场尾随. 如果你住在校园里, University Housing has guidelines related to university apartments and residence halls; please contact them directly for this information.

When planning your decorations for 同学会 or Halloween, think fire safety. Buy decorations that are flame-resistant and place them where they will not obscure exit signs, 出口门, 应急灯或灭火器. 远离热源, do not place on doors leading to building corridors or within the corridor itself and keep them from blocking exits or creating trip hazards in walkways.

使用LED照明的南瓜灯和效果. 所有的装饰照明都应该是U型的.L. 列出的不产生热量的类型. 不要用延长线从一个房间到另一个房间, 永远不要在门口或走道上绑绳子. 记住,蜡烛和使用明火.g.严禁在建筑物内使用蜡烛、灯具和熏香.

Your help in keeping our campus safe for students, employees and visitors is appreciated. Following these reminders and the related university policies help to avoid tragedy when accidents happen.


紧急号码 适用于:博伊西、科达伦和爱达荷福尔斯校区



The University of Idaho maintains an Emergency Response Team (UIERT) through the office of 环境健康与安全. This team’s purpose is to provide rapid response to incidents that threaten lives, 财产和/或环境, 包括化学, 放射性和生物危害事件.

的UIERT, 由EHS的所有成员组成, is trained and equipped to handle most incidents that may occur on campus. 所有团队成员都完成了, 至少, a 40-hour hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER) course as well as FEMA training in Incident Command and are ready to respond to small and major incidents. 的UIERT maintains an Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV) which is fully stocked and ready to use at a moment’s notice.

The team responds to about 9 incidents of any size per year; these are mostly small incidents. The last major response was in June 2018 for a major oil spill at the dairy farm. 一辆自卸卡车被架空电线绊住了, pulling down two attached power poles which had 3 transformers on each and resulted in a spill of approximately 100 gallons total of mineral oil. The team worked long hours in the sun to capture the spilled oil from the pavement and dig up barrels of contaminated soil to protect the environment.

The team also has an agreement with the City of 莫斯科 to respond to other incidents in the city as requested. This service is activated as needed by the Incident Commander acting for the City of 莫斯科 and may be initiated by calling 911.The team continuously collaborates with the state of Idaho Fire Marshal, 莫斯科志愿消防队, 爱达荷州环境质量部, 和华盛顿州立大学共享信息, 计划事件响应并参与培训.


MS 2030 



电子邮件: safety@85500171.com
